Tamás Halm
Halm, Tamás. In print. The formal diachrony of quantification. In: Ledgeway, A., Aldridge, E., Breitbarth, A., Kiss, K. E, Salmons, J. Simonenko, A., Everaert, M., Van Riemsdijk, H. C. (to appear). The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics. John Wiley & Sons.
Halm, Tamás. In print. Why almost and almost are not even approximately the same: The diachronic semantics of approximatives in Hungarian. In: Nora Boneh and Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal (eds.): Language Change: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Jerusalem Studies in Philosophy and History of Science: Springer.
Halm, Tamás & Ágnes Bende-Farkas. 2024. Pluractionality and diachrony: the case of –nkéd in Old and Middle Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Academica 71:4, 602–641 .
Halm, Tamás. 2024. Reconstructing the decoupling of case and agreement in Old Hungarian: Evidence from epithets and names as syntactic fossils. Diachronica 41:1, 99–126.
Halm, Tamás. 2023. Az akár- és a bár- névmási paradigmák diakrón szemantikája. [Want, unconditionals and scalar particles: the sources of free-choice items in Hungarian.] In: Katalin Balogné Bérces, Attila László Nemesi & Balázs Surányi (eds.): Nyelvelmélet és Diakrónia 5. Pázmány Péter Catholic University: Budapest., handout version in English.
Halm, Tamás. 2023. Az érzékelés-, (fel)ismerés- és diszpozicionális igék inherens modalitása. [The inherent modality of verbs of involuntary perception, (re)cognition and physical disposition in Hungarian.] In: Beáta Gyuris (ed.): Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok 35., handout version in English.
Halm, Tamás. 2022. Modified pronouns and split agreement: the syntax of virtual performatives. In Breanna Pratley, Özge Bakay, Eva Neu & Peyton Deal (eds.): Proceedings of NELS 52, Vol 1, 319-329.
Halm, Tamás & Anna Huszár. 2021. Expletive Negation in Exclamatives - Evidence from Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Academica 68:4, 553-583.
Halm, Tamás. 2021. Radically Truncated Clauses in Hungarian & Beyond: Evidence for the Fine Structure of the Minimal VP. Syntax 24:3, 376–416. (supplementary material)
Halm, Tamás. 2020. Grammaticalization without Feature Economy: Evidence from the Voice Cycle in Hungarian. Diachronica 37:1, 1-42.
Halm, Tamás. 2019. The Semantics of Weak Imperatives Revisited: Evidence from Free-Choice Item Licensing. Acta Linguistica Academica 66 (4), 445–489.
Halm, Tamás. 2018. From Possessive Suffix to Affective Demonstrative Suffix in Hungarian: a Grammaticalization Analysis. Morphology 28 (4), 359-396. (supplementary material)
Halm, Tamás. 2016. The Syntactic Position and Quantificational Force of FCIs in Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Academica 63 (2), 241-276.
Halm, Tamás. 2015. Free Choice and Aspect in Hungarian. In: É. Kiss, Katalin – Surányi, Balázs – Dékány, Éva (eds.) Approaches to Hungarian. Volume 14: Papers from the 2013 Piliscsaba Conference. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 167-185.
Halm, Tamás. 2013. Free Choice and Focus: FCIs in Hungarian. In: Surányi, Balázs (ed.): Proceedings of the First Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, 109-121.
Halm, Tamás. 2012. Unergative and/or Unaccusative: On the Argument Structure, Semantics and Syntax of Semelfactives in Hungarian. (2012) In: Surányi, Balázs - Diána Varga (eds.): Proceedings of the First Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, 104-117.
Halm, Tamás. 2016. The Grammar of Free-Choice Items in Hungarian. PhD Dissertation, Pázmány Péter Catholic University.
Submitted & In Prep
Bende-Farkas, Ágnes & Tamás Halm. In prep, with Ágnes Bende-Farkas. The Birth of an Epistemic Indefinite: Vaegy in Transylvanian Hungarian.
Halm, Tamás. In prep. Free Choice Items: The View from Hungarian. Studies in Generative Grammar Series, Mouton de Gruyter.
Halm, Tamás. Manuscript. Non-possessive use of POSS3SG in Uralic languages: an acquisition account. Squib.
Review articles
Halm, Tamás. 2017. A Review of Approaches to Hungarian 15: Papers from the Leiden Conference. Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics 6 (2).
Selected handouts & presentations
Halm, Tamás. 2023 July. Root infinitives in Hungarian revisited. The 16th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH16), University of Graz.
Borise, Lena & Tamás Halm. 2023 July. The curious case of the two-headed phrase: a generative approach to co-compounds. The 16th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH16), University of Graz.
Halm, Tamás. 2022 August. Radically Truncated Clauses – The Key to Various Mysteries of Hungarian Syntax? Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (CIFU13), University of Vienna.
Halm, Tamás. 2022 June. Vegans, Teetotalers, and the Decoupling of Case and Agreement in Old Hungarian. The 4th Syntax of Uralic Languages Conference (SOUL4). Research Institute for Linguistics (Budapest).
Halm, Tamás. 2022 June. If you can see it you can’t help seeing it: The inherent modality of verbs of involuntary perception, (re)cognition and physical disposition in Hungarian. AICED 23, University of Bucharest.
Halm, Tamás. 2021 August. Want, unconditionals, ever-free-relatives and scalar particles: the sources of free-choice items in Hungarian. Formal Diachronic Semantics 6, University of Cologne.
Halm, Tamás. 2019 June. The Birth of an Epistemic Indefinite: Vaegy in Transylvanian Hungarian. The 21st Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DIGS 21). Arizona State University.
Volumes edited
Halm, Tamás, Elizabeth Coppock & Balázs Surányi (eds.) 2022. Journal of Uralic Linguistics 1:2 (special issue),
Halm, Tamás & Balázs Surányi. 2022. Acta Linguistica Academica 69:2 (special issue).
Dékány, Éva, Tamás Halm & Balázs Surányi. 2020. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok [Studies in General Linguistics] 32 (special issue in honour of Katalin É. Kiss)